Freedom of Expression Association

Protection and promotion of freedom of expression, freedom of the media, Internet freedom and academic freedom in Turkey is in the heart of overall objectives of the Freedom of Expression Association (İFÖD – İfade Özgürlüğü Derneği). As part of its core activities, İFÖD deals with issues from Internet censorship to academic freedom and from press freedom to artistic expression. To this end, the organization is implementing programs that aim to develop and enhance strategies in freedom of expression related jurisprudence, to increase capacity by monitoring, research & capacity building programs and is planning to build strategies for an enhanced right to access to information.

Latest Works

The capacity development program entitled “Standards and Procedural Obligations in Freedom of Expression Related Cases” was conducted for young lawyers, civil society members, and media workers on May 4-5, 2024, in Ankara.

The EngelliWeb 2022 report, as a continuation of the 2018-2021 EngelliWeb reports, is entitled The Constitutional Court in the Shadow of Criminal Judgeships of Peace has been released.

The capacity development program entitled “Program on Basic and Current Issues Regarding Freedom of Expression” was conducted for the members of the Batman Bar Association on October 14-15, 2023, in Batman.

The Right NOT to be Forgotten on the Internet: Freedom of Expression Assessment of the Application of the Turkish Right to be Forgotten Measures under Law No. 5651 report has been released.

The 2021 EngelliWeb Report which is a continuation of the EngelliWeb 2018, 2019 and 2020 reports, named The Year of the Offended Reputation, Honour and Dignity of High Level Public Personalities has been released.